Version 0.1.1 now ready for download and comes in two varieties.
Windows only. MAC versions to follow.
1 - Full size version. All images are in PNG format. Size 712MB.
Downoad from MEGA
2 - Crunched version. All images are in WebP format. Size 89MB
Download from MEGA
Pervious Saves work, at least they did for me.
This is not a major updated version, mostly it's a bughunt version changing errors and such but I added all the images etc to make it just about a worthwhile download. The next update will be a lot bigger but won't be for about a month or so.
90 new images.
4 Animations.
Spelling errors changed.
A few minor code changes.
And a few other bits and pieces not worth mentioning.
love the game. is any work still being done on it?
Otherwise interesting game is ruined by NTR, what a shame.